Ok since you have your FirstMidlet class you can comment out these lines
Alert alert = new Alert("Alert");
alert.setString("Hello World");
and put this one and try:
TextBox tb = new TextBox("Text", "", 1000, TextField.ANY);/*Try changing TextField.ANY to other options as well*/
now comment above and try this:
/*There are 3 types of list you can check them out by changing List.EXCLUSIVE to List.IMPLICIT n List.MULTIPLE*/
List lst = new List("List", List.EXCLUSIVE);
lastly try this one:
Form frm = new Form("Form");
TextField tf = new TextField("Text Field", "", 100, TextField.PHONENUMBER);/*You can use ANY or others as well but I used this one because this is the way to access your phonebook through a textfiled*/
DateField df = new DateField("Date Field", DateField.DATE_TIME);
StringItem si = new StringItem("String", "");
si.setText("This is string item");
Ok now this settles it. Now it's time to get into real business with commands.